14 Ocak 2014 Salı

Stain removal

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, today I will try to explain tricks on stain removal. Men pursuant to the warning message from our followers now I'll try to be more careful when writing entries.

Topics in stain removal process when the men would recommend reading carefully. Because the stains usually see in men's clothing. Men will not stain. Remove stains are women. But nowadays men also should know stain removal.

Food stains: Pour salt on the stain.

Coffee stains: Pour the salt.

Blood stain: Oxygenated water soak, wash with warm soapy water.

Paint stains: If the stain dry, wipe with turpentine pine .. If the stain dry, wash with soap and water and leave it for several hours. It does not come with turpentine pine deleted.

Mud stains: Allow to dry the sludge. When dry, remove a slight brush with. If you go with a mixture of water and vinegar in equal amounts delete it.

Tea Stain: Wipe with lemon juice and rinse with cold water.

Fruit stain on the fabric: Ammonia flush with water or soak in sour milk.

Fruit stains from your hands: Wash with water and vinegar.

Grass stains: Wash with warm soapy water.

Chocolate stains: Mix with water stained the outside to inside the 90-degree alcohol wipe thoroughly.

Lipstick Stains: Married Do not leave the keep as a souvenir. If you are married, your wife ride in a way that stains your burning your car emits.

Today in History 

January 14, 1923 the first transoceanic telephone calls were made between the London-New York. Current mobile phone technology to were not even imagine. Now with smart phones via satellite video that is being discussed. Computer technology can not even count. How much şansılıyız. Fake Are you in?

14 January 1938 Turkey-Iraq - Iran - Afghanistan Sadabat Pact treaty was approved. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk "Peace at home, peace in the world" had made this agreement with the belief. But unfortunately there was almost a state called Iraq now. Who has directed the establishment of a system are not certain. We're like almost hostile with Iran. Pakistan's situation is deplorable.

January 14, 1957 American actor Humphrey Bogart died. Follow the on-screen we have black and white "Casablanca" movie was in our minds with. Whether venue Heaven.

Onno Tunç composer died Jan. 14, 1996. With his compositions were in our memories. In particular, his work with Sezen Aksu took place among memorable. I think after Onna Bronze Sezen Aksu could not make a very good tapes. Remove the tray was a beautiful song in 2-3. The rest were commonplace. Onna Bronze longingly, we salute you. Whether the venue Heaven.

January 14, 1998, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's most beloved singers were killed Safiya months. Whether venue Heaven.

January 14, 2005 The European Space Agency (ESA) Huygens vehicle belonging to Saturn's mysterious moon Titan has begun to decline. These events will affect the future too much. Let's wait and see.

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, today we post it. Take good care of yourself until we meet again. Goodbye.

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