16 Ocak 2014 Perşembe

Liar Revani Dessert

Liar Revani
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, today I'll tell you a liar revani dessert . Liar revani dessert can very easily apply to men . Yes guys can revani liars .

11 tablespoons flour
11 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons yogurt
3 eggs
1 packet of baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract

3 cups sugar
4 cups water
Dissolve sugar boiled mixed grout will not only

Eggs are whipped with sugar until fully foamed . Blended into the yogurt is added . Stir baking powder and vanilla into the mix. By addition and mixing of the liquid mixture . Poured into a greased baking tray in the oven to cook.
The reverse of the initial temperature of the oven to cool after the slurry is poured over the sorbet is expected to draw . Liar sweet revani ready.

service :
Rev cut on top of the walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, coconut may be sprinkled .


Optionally, the reverse of the grated lemon peel, orange peel and pulp can be provided.

Today in History
January 15, 1459 by Fatih Sultan Mehmet Akşemsettin famous teacher passed away. Fatih Sultan Mehmet 's success as the most important person in history took place in . Akşemsettin about a lot of different pieces left.

January 15, 1902 Master poet Nazim Hikmet Ran was born. Romance was renowned as communist . A lot of love and life inspiration for the book and the movie was . A lot of times I had to sit in jail because of opinions . 48 years to kill the poet forced to flee the country on the news . He lived in Russia until the end of his life . Nowadays almost all politicians Nazim Hikmet Ran's poems and lyrics have been using the election campaign . Even if those opposing views !

Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929 . It was unforgettable leader of the struggle for black rights .

15 January 1952 Turkey of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO ) entry. I made ​​the biggest mistake in the history of Turkey . Ships, aircraft, tanks, artillery and other heavy weapons production was forced to close . It can be produced instead of weapons had to be very expensive to buy American weapons . This gave rise to impunity in Turkey was very large . Turkey , both militarily and economically was an American colony .

16 January 1920 The first meeting of the League of Nations was held in Paris . Purpose of the so-called world community with peace, then it was America's puppet .

January 16, 1970 was the president of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi . Between the years 1970-2011 the country has successfully managed. American 's game with an artificial insurgency has prepared his last . Selected as a prospect of Muammar Gaddafi was lynched in 2011 .

January 16, 1991 United States of America with the operation called Desert Storm, Iraq launched missile attacks and air raids . Kuwait against Iraq provoked ago . After Iraq invaded Kuwait was forced to . Then he launched a war against Iraq to liberate Kuwait . As a result of this war, Iraq was destroyed. Saddam Hussein was killed. Millions of Iraqis have been killed directly or indirectly . Millions of Iraqis hungry, thirsty, was left without medication .  Iraqi women and children were raped by terrorists and American soldier  . Iraq is still under occupation and still uncertain end . When the oil is gone , maybe America will leave Iraq to its fate . Who knows, maybe there is still hope .

Take care of yourself. Until we meet again , bye.

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