10 Ocak 2014 Cuma

Celery Salad

Hello Ladies, I 'm going to give you today celery salad recipe . This salad tasted very nice and very helpful as well . Getting plenty of raw vitamin is made .

Celery and food is being used for healing purposes . Whether you want food for healing purposes , whether it is useful to consume celery . Celery is a vegetable that contains vitamin in many . Appetizing feature. Stomach , liver and kidneys are said to be good .

Stuffed celery , celery soup, salad, boiled and roast is done. Other types of salads and other vegetables into their meals can be placed . My preference is plenty celeriac salad with yogurt and plenty of garlic . Enter yogurt and garlic almost everything that is happening very tasty .

1 celery
Enough yoghurt
1-2 apples ( sour apples if possible )
3-4 garlic
Enough lemon juice
Oil ( olive or nuts. )
Enough walnuts


Grated celery and apple . Lemon mixed spilling on to the blackout . Pounded garlic is crushed . Walnut beaten ( needs to remain a little coarse . Beware of doing such ) . On celery garlic, yogurt , salt, vegetable oil was added . Mix well .

Be put in a serving dish and can be served all dolled up with walnuts and maydo .

Note: Salad can be put into the mayonnaise if desired .

Note: Do not forget to put oil in your salads . Fat more quickly infiltrated vitamins .

Note: Celery has uses as spice t . I would prefer to eat fresh season .

Note: Celery leaves are also eaten . Also the same as spinach soup is done. In addition, parsley leaves can substitute bulgur pilaf . To the judgment of celery water with lemon juice can wait five to ten minutes .

Note: Celery Be careful when using in salads and other dishes . Flavor is more use to give a small amount of taste .

Note: as an appetizer edible.

Our corner in history today .

January 10, 1863 The world's first subway , the London Underground Metropolitan '' called the '' first line was opened . Think of Brits have completed this work in 1863 . We are still early days . Even our larger cities underground infrastructure is not ready. Hopefully the word will be opened in 2005 and still we wait for landing in Ankara Keçiören, Xinjiang and Eskişehir Metro opened in 2014 .

January 10, 1900 World Champion Wrestler Kara Ahmed , " Champion of Champions " title received . There are now almost all areas of sport doping . This type of success is very difficult to see . Remember the last 30 years of outstanding success and Halil Mutlu, Naim Süleymanoğlu the championships .

The League of Nations was founded January 10, 1920 . United States did not participate in the community . Now America is ruled by . The United Nations was America's puppet .

January 10, 1921 1 Victory Colonel Ismet Bey, the Turkish army under the command of the Greek army , with İnönü'de faced . Greek army was defeated . Heroes would like to thank our army once again . While we pray how much is not enough. God bless them .

January 10, 1984 Event abortion was legalized . Too good to be legal , but it still should not be done unless compelled abortion . Must be valid for completely involuntary pregnancy . When human mothers understand it better . She is the most beautiful thing in the world to keep the baby in her arms .

Yes ladies have come to the end of an article . Take care of yourself. Goodbye.

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