5 Şubat 2014 Çarşamba

Walnut Cookies

Hello ladies and gentlemen , today I will tell my mom walnut cookies . I told the other desserts made ​​walnut cookies is not as easy . But it is not too hard to make walnut cookies .

250 g margarine ( room temperature)
7 cups flour
1.5 cups of sugar
2 eggs (1 egg white for them to be separated )
1 cup olive oil
1 cup yogurt
1 packet of baking powder
juice of half a lemon
Over the beaten enough walnuts

Margarine flour together well fed . Sugar in a separate vessel , and one whole egg 1 egg yolk , yogurt , butter, mix. Baking powder is mixed with lemon juice . Sugar mixture is added. All the ingredients are mixed bakery margarine . You have to mix well . The dough is given the desired shape . First, egg white , then immersed in crushed walnuts . Are placed in the tray . Heated in the oven to cook.

Note: Instead of walnut , hazelnut , coconut is also available.

Note: Ingredients 7 cups flour 6 cups flour, 1 cup of starch can be put in place .

Today in history:

February 4, 1926 due to opposition to revolution Hats İskilipli Cited teacher was executed in Ankara . Also İskilipli Cited teacher British mandacılıg was a strict advocate . Was executed for the crime of treason . Citations İskilipli teacher and member of the League of British Friendship Society teal -i- Islam was also the chairman of the community . Citations İskilipli Forces Nationalists teacher accused of expression and filled with too heavy for this report was published . Citations İskilipli teacher, " Franks Mukallitlig and Hats " was the author of the treatise called .

February 4, 1975 More commonly known by the name of Margaret Thatcher ( Margaret Hilda Thatcher ) was elected chairman of the Conservative Party in the UK . Margaret Thatcher managed to stay in power for the longest period in the UK was a politician . Is the only female prime minister in the history of England . In recent history was one of the most influential person in the United Kingdom . Prime Minister at the time due to political and economic policies that apply both great praise and support , as well as with success in a tight opposition karşılaştı.siyaset iron lady took his nickname . For many years women have ideol not başardı.unutul female leader Margaret Thatcher , on the morning of April 8, 2013 passed away a stroke at his home in London .

February 4, 1997 organized by the municipality of Xinjiang night show on February 2, passed in response to the tank in Ankara . Staff 2 Head of Org. Agile it " Balancing on Democracy " , he said . Xinjiang Mayor Bekir Yildiz was dismissed by the Ministry of Interior . Agile has taken a significant role in the February 28 process . Agile Pasha was then deceived by political games . He had promised to the presidency . As a result of the February 28 process did Necemet Erbakan and Tansu Ciller, consisting of otherness Refah-Yol government was overthrown . Refah Party and the center-right and center-left parties took a deep wound .
Shrinkage or disappearance of these parties caused by the newly established Justice and Development Party was stuck .

February 4, 2000 Turkey's Foreign Minister Ismail Cem went to Athens, capital of Greece . Ismail Cem , many years later (40 years) after a lapse of his official visit to Greece was the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey . Ismail Cem, the most successful people I have ever seen was in foreign affairs . Space of heaven.

February 5, 1932 Always read Arabic sermon was read for the first time in Turkish Suleymaniye Mosque . Thus, the congregation listened to the sermon was recognized for the first time . Nowadays, almost all sermons are now being read in Turkish .

February 5, 1975 due to the Cyprus conflict in the United States began to impose an arms embargo on Turkey . America for many years , their massacres of Greeks ignored . Turkey's instantly punished if his operation . If you remember the same viewpoint America massacre in Bosnia -Herzegovina had continued for many years .

February 5, 1993 Finance Minister Adnan Kahveci , his wife and daughter died . Adnan Kahveci (Motherland Party deputy) was killed in a traffic accident interesting . This emerges as mystery still in a traffic accident . Adnan Kahveci , especially in economics , successful secrets on deaths is not known . Unlike many politicians left a legacy when he died too small to be counted . Was very honest and successful politician . Space of heaven.

Yes , ladies and gentlemen good look at yourself . Goodbye.

2 Şubat 2014 Pazar

Noodle Milk Dessert

Hello ladies and gentlemen to you today I'll try to jump noodle milk dessert . Yes, you read that right noodle milk Dessert. Do not say okay noodle milk dessert . It's so good . Dairy desserts made ​​with vermicelli is quite simple.

1 liter of milk
1 cup sugar
half a cup of water
1 tablespoon vermicelli
2 tablespoons of starch
1 tablespoon crushed walnut
1 tablespoon crushed nuts
half tsp vanilla extract

Teflon frying pan and cook , stirring noodles in a mild fever . Such as rice noodle stir . Milk and sugar is put in the pot and heated to reflux . Add roasted vermicelli mixed with milk . Starch is crushed half cups of water . Is added slowly to the milk noodle . Consistency until it is cooked. Close to that of vanilla is added. Want a vanilla walnuts and hazelnuts during cooking if you want then you can put it while serving . Poured into the tray . When cool dessert plate is put in its service .

Today in history:
February 2, 1918 United States America (U.S.A), 1 Entered World War II . By the way the war ended, America go to war . Helped the Allies win . 2 of the same policy of America watched the fight in the world . All countries are all in the intense war after losing America entered the war . Both economically and militarily very few casualties from the war followed a policy has been able to go . So I was able to be the world's most powerful country . As a result of the First World War Germany - Austria - Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire lost consisting of allied states . The Ottoman Empire disintegrated. Lands were shared. A lot instead of the state was founded. Turkey has been established as the heir t .

February 2, 1924 after the death of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the Soviet Union Commissioner vacated Aleksey Ivanovich Rykov was appointed to the Presidency of the Council .

February 2, 1935 Hagia Sophia Museum was opened to the public . The building was built as a church . After the conquest of Istanbul by Fatih Sultan Mehmet served as a mosque . My mosque or church that has been discussed for years. This debate continues today . I will continue in the future .

February 2, 1936 Galatasaray footballer ( King ) was born Metin Oktay . Turkish football has managed to become one of the most important stars . Even years after the death of his admiration of everyone engraved in our memory as a human being .

February 2, 1959 India : Indira Gandhi 's Congress Party was elected to the presidency . This event was an important place in the history of India .

February 2, 1981 Turkey's first female chancellor Prof. Dr. . Saffet Alba Bu died. With the importance given to Ataturk's women were able to come to this location . Ataturk , the Turkish women the right to vote is giver . No leader in history as Ataturk did not give importance to women .

February 2, 2004 in Konya, the 11-story apartment building emerald crashed due to error . 92 people died as a result of the collapse . A contractor has gone down in history as a classic mistake . Supervision is lacking in our country where this type of news could come at any moment .

We have come to the end of an article . Take care of yourself. Bye for now .

31 Ocak 2014 Cuma

To flesh sweet

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, today I will try to tell you sweet flesh . A dessert made of sweet flesh is quite easy . You can prepare sweet guys in the flesh .

1 package to the meat without salt
1 cup granulated sugar
2 cups water
1 pack of gum mastic pudding

1 cup granulated sugar in a pot is placed . Toffee on the stove stirring until sugar is melted . Top with 2 cups of water are added . Mix. Tray with handles meat is stacked . Karemell the syrup is poured on top . On the other hand, gummy pudding is cooked according to the recipe . Cooked custard poured over the bread . When it cools, it is ready to be served .

Note: You can also use the milk is prepared by mixing the custard .

Today in History

January 31, 1790 as one of the indirect consequences of the French Revolution Ottoman - Prussian alliance was provided. Agreement before the Austrian Empire and the Russian Empire had declared war on the Ottoman Empire . War had done so .

January 31, 1927 , the inspection authority of the Allies over Germany came to an end . Re- arming of Germany to the League of Nations supervision başladı.1918 lost the first world war in Germany after the end of supervision , both economically and militarily quickly began to move . As a result of this, who seized power in Hitler started the second world war . Hitler lost the war in the world currently unpopular. If Hitler had won the war , now referred as the greatest hero in history . History makes the hero always win . For example, Genghis Khan is a hero by everyone . Mostly Genghis Khan of millions of people , men, women and children killed without distinction does not see that .

January 31, 1934 Nazim Hikmet Ran, because ideas have been sentenced to five years ' imprisonment . On appeal the penalty reduced to four years , then was reduced to below 1 year . 1.5 years in prison , the poet who was imprisoned for more than 6 months .

31 January 1943 The Russian army was defeated by the German army at Stalingrad . This event is the beginning of the end for the Germans in the second world war was .

January 31, 1965 the Ministry of Health in Turkey has announced that the average human life span is 33 years . Current average life expectancy rose to 75 years . Average life expectancy in Turkey was the most important factor in war . After her life to prolong the war .

While it's too late January 31, 1968 in Ankara Television (TRT ) began test broadcasts . Nuran announcing the first television broadcast was made ​​Devres . Over the years with the advancement in technology in the world of television has gone too far . Currently, Turkey has hundreds of television channels .

January 31, 1990 , of the 1961 Constitution ( in terms of human rights in Turkey is the best constitution . ) Involved in the preparation , the former deputy minister , Turkish Law Society and Chair of the Kemalist Thought Association . Muammer Aksoy , was shot to death outside his home . Apdi Ipekçi starting with the murder assassinations, came into vogue in the nineties has evolved . Now almost every month of a journalist or an intellectual assassinated entry to normal gelmişti.türki this suikat in the Bahriye Üçok, Ugur Mumcu, Adnan Kahveci , Çetin Emeç , Ashraf Bitlis, Necip Hablemitoğlu , the Recep Yazicioglu and now the boondocks many intellectuals have lost . This assassination is still not elucidated . Who was behind the assassination of an obscure question still remains .

31 January 1999 Turkey's famous pop singer, composer and songwriter who died Baris Manco . A lot of work left behind world-renowned artists . That will appeal to every generation of children's songs with artists founded the hearts of children . Death worldwide, especially Turkey and Japan also left a great sadness . Several years pass , despite his love for her grows and knows no generation has increased. Grand Master venue of heaven.

Until we meet again . Goodbye.

28 Ocak 2014 Salı

January 27 to 28

Hello, ladies and gentlemen , today I'll tell you what happened in history .

Today in History

January 27, 1756 in Vienna Classical School of the leading representatives of the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born. A lot of work has to fit the 35-year life . Music history is considered to be one of the greatest genius . In Turkey , "Ronda alla Turca " ( Turkish March ) known as the composer . All over the world as an artist is very popular in Turkey .

January 27, 1832 English novelist , photographer, logician and mathematician Lewis Carroll was born. All the world with him recognized his work in Alice in Wonderland . This work has been adapted many times in the movies .

January 27, 1880 Thomas Edison patented the electric light bulb has managed to take . Nikola Tesla , when talking about alternating current , by Thomas Edison hardly taken into consideration. Thomas Edison , Tesla wanted to solve this issue was money . But the event was to pay thawing . Between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla has been a relentless scientific challenges . Tesla is the true father of the light bulb idea actually .

January 27, 1918 the U.S. created by novelist Edgar Rice Burroghs first movie Tarzan ' Tarzan of the Apes ' ( Tarzan the Ape ) was released in the U.S. with the name . Screen- actor Elmo Lincoln was the first Tarzan .

27 January 1926 Scottish inventor John Logie Baird in London, was the first real television broadcast . Began a new era in the world of communication and entertainment . Today, the mainstay of the television technology has also been laid .

January 27, 1934 France's first woman prime minister , Edith Cresson then was born.

January 27, 1937 at a meeting of the League of Nations in Geneva Hatay's independence was accepted. Hatay, Turkey joined later .

The first tape went on sale January 27, 1948 . S the type that protects the throne for many years before the CD was then defeated by computer technology .

January 27, 1954 ruling by the Village Institutes Adnan Menderes was closed. This event seriously in Turkey's progress was stopped.

27 January 1967 landing on the lunar surface began to realize that the program aimed to examine the Moon and the first leg of the Apollo 1 spacecraft burned; astronauts Grissom, White and Chaffee died.

January 27, 1973 U.S. and Vietnam signed a cease-fire agreement . Thousands of people were killed , remains open , driven and raped the American post war history of the land was finished.

January 27, 1996 issue of Rocky output Imia in the basement open . Rock piles separate flags of the Greek and Turkish journalists created tension between Turkey and Greece . Even the two countries to the brink of war turned .

January 28, 1918 Leon Trotsky, the Red Army in the Soviet Union laid the foundation . Having the largest share in the realization of the revolution Trotsky then was forced to flee from Russia .

January 28, 1920 Deputies of the Ottoman Meclis_ informal session of the National Pact ( National And) was adopted unanimously . Independent Turkey's first foundation was also laid .

January 28, 1921 , Mustafa Subhi and his friends were put to a motor by John Unionist and nights at sea were killed . Turkish intellectuals who downloaded this event is one of the biggest blow .

January 28, 1953 Great Poet Ney Tevfik Kolaylı died. Turkey is out of reading his poems . Space of heaven.

January 28, 1971 the people of Izmir American 6 Fleet protested . After this incident, Izmir moniker stuck . The moniker was funny side of Gavin .

Özdemir Asaf poet died January 28, 1981 . Grand Master venue of heaven.

January 28, 1986 U.S. spacecraft exploded after taking off Challanger , seven people died in the shuttle . If there is a major blow to these events in space science , progress continued.

Take care of yourself. Goodbye.

23 Ocak 2014 Perşembe

Baked Roasted Beef Tongue Soup

Baked Roasted Beef  Tongue Soup 
Hello, ladies and gentlemen , I will try to explain to you today soup languages ​​. It is a delicious soup tasted quite different . It is a bit troublesome . Taking some time to do . But the time spent is worth it. If you do it once then you'll want to do it consistently .

250 grams veal Tongue
2 tablespoons rice
4 tablespoons flour
Enough oil

Tongue is boiled thoroughly before (we all Tongue ​​are boiled for at least 1 hour ) Tongue outside the shell peeled off. The diced onions in small pieces when cool . Flour is roasted in oil . Saute until the smell . Tongue in a separate pot of water boiled with the rice . Tongue opens roasted with water . Is thrown on top of roasted rice and language . All the ingredients were thoroughly mixed. Cook until desired consistency . Red chili pepper on top of soup or fried in oil is poured on.

By adding crushed garlic soup can be served on .

Note: Soup can adjust the water to your liking .

Note: You can use te Raki as an appetizer .

Today in History
January 22, 1517 I. Selim I ( Yavuz Sultan Selim ) ( Sultan Suleyman 's father ) command of the Ottoman army , the Mamluk army defeated at the Battle of Ridaniye . After this war the Ottoman caliphate passed. Spices became the sole ruler of the Ottoman way . There was the Mamluk Sultanate .

January 22, 1580 Founded in 1577 in Istanbul Observatory to monitor space III. Was demolished by Murat . Ottoman emperors science at first , then did not give the importance they attach to . Even were an obstacle to the progress of science . In the early years of the Ottoman Empire had become the Empire by giving importance to science . Science has severed links with the later . As a result, t empire collapsed. Perhaps the observatory, Turkey could have yıkmas are the first to go into space .

January 22, 1842 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ( Veterinary School ) was opened. Too late though as the first scientific studies in this area have begun . 21 century cattle and sheep still are trying to get the record . I still could not point to the desired point .

January 22, 1905 the first Russian revolution or began demonstrations known as Bloody Sunday . Wed soldiers march to the palace to petition to fire on the workers and peasants and the " Bloody Sunday, " the day after the riots kill 500 people showed . Almost every part of the Russian Empire repercussions are mass political action . Some of these actions are targeted directly to the government . As a result of actions made ​​the transition to constitutional monarchy and established the Tsarist Duma , multiparty elections were held in 1906 the Constitution was formed . However, in some areas towards independence and an armed uprising was suppressed attempts failed . Could the collapse of the Tsarist regime .

Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the end of an article . I will try to extend the interval . Until we meet again . Take care of yourself. Goodbye.

17 Ocak 2014 Cuma

Potato Cake

Hello, ladies and gentlemen , today I will tell you a different cake . The name of this cake with potato cakes. Yes, you've read it wrong , potato cakes. Do not say potato cake would be . Potato cakes are definitely happening . Potato cakes made ​​quite simple.

4 medium potatoes
1 medium onion
2 many eggs
1 cup yogurt
1 \ 2 cup oil
1.5 cups flour
1 packet of baking powder
black pepper

For the topping :
Red pepper flakes

Potatoes ( raw ) and tiny little cube-shaped bulbs are right too . Put into a bowl and sprinkle with black pepper and red pepper are confusing . Other break the eggs into a bowl and mix well. Yogurt and put into liquid oil clapped again . Put the mixture into the potato mix liquid ingredients . Put baking powder and salt into the flour mixture and pour over potato mix with a spoon . Pour into a greased baking tray . Potato cake is ready.

service :
Potato cakes on optional sesame seeds, black cumin , chili pepper may be sprinkled . Nothing can or loss . Cooked in a preheated oven .

Bon appetite

Today in history:

January 17, 1706 U.S. publisher , author, inventor, philosopher , scientist, politician and diplomat Benjamin Franklin was born. $ 100 for many years with the picture on it was one of the people will not forget .

Famous Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, January 17, 1860 was born. A lot of work has been adapted for the theater . Especially with Gull work has made itself today . Among the world's most writers have . Fondly read is a writer . Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's Seagull has become one of the classics of world works .

January 17, 1875 Karaköy - Beyoğlu third and smallest of the world's oldest subway opened. Turkey is the second metro arrived too late . In 1996 had to wait until the Ankara Metro . Transportation is still one of the biggest problems in Turkey . I can not be solved for many years more .

January 17, 1899 , America's most famous mobster Al Capone was born. Especially with illegal sale of alcohol has won large sums of money . Despite the fact that the mafia has been arrested for tax evasion . Interesting is not it?

January 17, 1929 Popeye was first published comic series . Spinach endearing cartoon children set up the throne in the hearts of people for years . There was nothing you can not do with spinach . Was taking power from spinach . Top of sıkışınca was eating spinach . Popeye and Olive Oyl memorable took place between coarse beard .

January 17, 1945 the Soviet Union and the Polish troops entered Warsaw . Between NATO and the Warsaw Pact , which will last very long in the cold war was begun . On one side of the eastern bloc was formed on one side of the western block . Europe has officially split . On the one hand his leadership of Russia Warsaw Pact , his leadership on the other side of America took part in the NATO pact . Before the economic aspects of the Warsaw Pact collapsed. The Warsaw Pact was disbanded in 1991 , and thus the bipolar world of the post-war structure was embroiled militarily in history .

Ladies and gentlemen good-bye to discuss in our next article .

16 Ocak 2014 Perşembe

Liar Revani Dessert

Liar Revani
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, today I'll tell you a liar revani dessert . Liar revani dessert can very easily apply to men . Yes guys can revani liars .

11 tablespoons flour
11 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons yogurt
3 eggs
1 packet of baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract

3 cups sugar
4 cups water
Dissolve sugar boiled mixed grout will not only

Eggs are whipped with sugar until fully foamed . Blended into the yogurt is added . Stir baking powder and vanilla into the mix. By addition and mixing of the liquid mixture . Poured into a greased baking tray in the oven to cook.
The reverse of the initial temperature of the oven to cool after the slurry is poured over the sorbet is expected to draw . Liar sweet revani ready.

service :
Rev cut on top of the walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, coconut may be sprinkled .


Optionally, the reverse of the grated lemon peel, orange peel and pulp can be provided.

Today in History
January 15, 1459 by Fatih Sultan Mehmet Akşemsettin famous teacher passed away. Fatih Sultan Mehmet 's success as the most important person in history took place in . Akşemsettin about a lot of different pieces left.

January 15, 1902 Master poet Nazim Hikmet Ran was born. Romance was renowned as communist . A lot of love and life inspiration for the book and the movie was . A lot of times I had to sit in jail because of opinions . 48 years to kill the poet forced to flee the country on the news . He lived in Russia until the end of his life . Nowadays almost all politicians Nazim Hikmet Ran's poems and lyrics have been using the election campaign . Even if those opposing views !

Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929 . It was unforgettable leader of the struggle for black rights .

15 January 1952 Turkey of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO ) entry. I made ​​the biggest mistake in the history of Turkey . Ships, aircraft, tanks, artillery and other heavy weapons production was forced to close . It can be produced instead of weapons had to be very expensive to buy American weapons . This gave rise to impunity in Turkey was very large . Turkey , both militarily and economically was an American colony .

16 January 1920 The first meeting of the League of Nations was held in Paris . Purpose of the so-called world community with peace, then it was America's puppet .

January 16, 1970 was the president of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi . Between the years 1970-2011 the country has successfully managed. American 's game with an artificial insurgency has prepared his last . Selected as a prospect of Muammar Gaddafi was lynched in 2011 .

January 16, 1991 United States of America with the operation called Desert Storm, Iraq launched missile attacks and air raids . Kuwait against Iraq provoked ago . After Iraq invaded Kuwait was forced to . Then he launched a war against Iraq to liberate Kuwait . As a result of this war, Iraq was destroyed. Saddam Hussein was killed. Millions of Iraqis have been killed directly or indirectly . Millions of Iraqis hungry, thirsty, was left without medication .  Iraqi women and children were raped by terrorists and American soldier  . Iraq is still under occupation and still uncertain end . When the oil is gone , maybe America will leave Iraq to its fate . Who knows, maybe there is still hope .

Take care of yourself. Until we meet again , bye.