3 Ocak 2014 Cuma

Lentil meatballs

Hello ladies, I'll tell you today lentil patties . Pleasure with my college years with my friends whether it is a meal replacement . In particular, they used to come to my house to eat lentil dumplings . Special desserts , dumplings meetings would be . Even people who normally do not speak to me or even at school to attend these meetings were raring to . Those were the days . How time flies , does not it ? Now when I look back to finish college was 12 years . Life experience , while the years passed very quickly .

Ladies, lentil patties golden days , conference days will do. Also you can use as an appetizer . At least my wife thinks so. His thoughts often protrudes . Gives utmost importance to taste . That's why I consider this recommendation .

1 cup red lentils
1 cup fine bulgur
3 cups water
1 \ 2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 \ 2 tbsp chilli paste ( can be hurt )
1-2 one lemon
Enough vegetable oil
Cumin enough
Enough salt
Enough Pepper
Enough red pepper flakes
Lettuce ( run to you)
Parsley ( run to you)
Green onions ( run to you)
Pomegranate ( run to you)

Red lentils are put in a pressure cooker and then washed thoroughly . Into the salt, very little pepper , chili pepper and cumin are discarded. 3 cups of water is put on . Is put into the oven, cover with the lid off . 10 minutes after boil- off whistle is cooked . Cookware air is removed and discarded immediately into 1 cup fine bulgur is mixed. Cover with the lid closed again allowed to rest .
Enough green onions, finely chopped parsley and lettuce . Lemon is squeezed .
Opens the lid of the pot is stirred into the oil, lemon, tomato paste, pepper paste, pomegranate karışınca to each other until set and thoroughly kneaded by hand . Recently greens added and mixed again .
Get a little way into our hands and squeezing is given.

Service :
A few lettuce leaves on the plate into the series and we are put into lentil patties .

Do not forget to take cumin . Because it makes lentil dumplings gas . Cumin is the gas in china .

Enjoy your meal.

To discuss in our next article . Take care of yourself. Until we meet again . Goodbye.

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