29 Aralık 2013 Pazar

Stuffed grape leaves with meat

Dear ladies, you 'll try to tell you today, stuffed vine leaves . This dish is through the intricacies of the leaf tips and tricks . Leaves no matter how thin you would be so delicious . If you have also the possibility I would recommend using fresh leaves . You can find fresh leaves of summer , but in winter there is nothing to do . I always wish it was summer .

This dish recipe varies from region to region . Vine leaves in some places and in some places even cabbage leaf with mulberry leaves are known .

If you have half a kg of fresh vine (if not necessarily in brine) leaves
350 grams minced beef medium fat
1 cup rice ( rice may vary depending on the draw ratio of the water . )
1 medium onion
1/5 tablespoons tomato or pepper paste
enough hot water
enough oil
enough salt
enough red pepper flakes
enough black pepper
sufficiently parsley

Fresh leaves are boiled in salted hot water very little . If you do not need this treatment in brine .
Boiled leaves we 're getting a strainer . Chop the onion into small little we 're adding ground beef and rice . Paste and all the spices , salt 're squeezing the raw ekliyoruz.heps . Taking a small amount of leaves we roll . Paste at the bottom of the cooking pan put a little oil , a little 're wreaking . Optionally, you'd keep the bottom of the pot or several vine leaves under the sliced ​​raw potatoes can be . Cookware we sort of wrap on a plate , and enough oil dwellers are closing . Stir enough hot water 're cooking .

Service : we have split into plate of stuffed vine leaves meal can be served on putting some yogurt . You can also prepare garlic yogurt .

Note: You can use bulgur instead of rice . My choice is rice. I love stuffed with rice . Some people prefer the bulgur . I have stayed completely to your taste .

Note: I like to eat less salt . Preference is up to you . Avoid too much salt there is in terms of health benefits . As a nation we have excessive salt intake . Heart disease is growing so much . Look out

Note: When cooking food in water or water to be completely up to you . I prefer water .

Dear ladies, to discuss a new post again bye. Take care of yourself.

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