31 Ocak 2014 Cuma

To flesh sweet

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, today I will try to tell you sweet flesh . A dessert made of sweet flesh is quite easy . You can prepare sweet guys in the flesh .

1 package to the meat without salt
1 cup granulated sugar
2 cups water
1 pack of gum mastic pudding

1 cup granulated sugar in a pot is placed . Toffee on the stove stirring until sugar is melted . Top with 2 cups of water are added . Mix. Tray with handles meat is stacked . Karemell the syrup is poured on top . On the other hand, gummy pudding is cooked according to the recipe . Cooked custard poured over the bread . When it cools, it is ready to be served .

Note: You can also use the milk is prepared by mixing the custard .

Today in History

January 31, 1790 as one of the indirect consequences of the French Revolution Ottoman - Prussian alliance was provided. Agreement before the Austrian Empire and the Russian Empire had declared war on the Ottoman Empire . War had done so .

January 31, 1927 , the inspection authority of the Allies over Germany came to an end . Re- arming of Germany to the League of Nations supervision başladı.1918 lost the first world war in Germany after the end of supervision , both economically and militarily quickly began to move . As a result of this, who seized power in Hitler started the second world war . Hitler lost the war in the world currently unpopular. If Hitler had won the war , now referred as the greatest hero in history . History makes the hero always win . For example, Genghis Khan is a hero by everyone . Mostly Genghis Khan of millions of people , men, women and children killed without distinction does not see that .

January 31, 1934 Nazim Hikmet Ran, because ideas have been sentenced to five years ' imprisonment . On appeal the penalty reduced to four years , then was reduced to below 1 year . 1.5 years in prison , the poet who was imprisoned for more than 6 months .

31 January 1943 The Russian army was defeated by the German army at Stalingrad . This event is the beginning of the end for the Germans in the second world war was .

January 31, 1965 the Ministry of Health in Turkey has announced that the average human life span is 33 years . Current average life expectancy rose to 75 years . Average life expectancy in Turkey was the most important factor in war . After her life to prolong the war .

While it's too late January 31, 1968 in Ankara Television (TRT ) began test broadcasts . Nuran announcing the first television broadcast was made ​​Devres . Over the years with the advancement in technology in the world of television has gone too far . Currently, Turkey has hundreds of television channels .

January 31, 1990 , of the 1961 Constitution ( in terms of human rights in Turkey is the best constitution . ) Involved in the preparation , the former deputy minister , Turkish Law Society and Chair of the Kemalist Thought Association . Muammer Aksoy , was shot to death outside his home . Apdi Ipekçi starting with the murder assassinations, came into vogue in the nineties has evolved . Now almost every month of a journalist or an intellectual assassinated entry to normal gelmişti.türki this suikat in the Bahriye Üçok, Ugur Mumcu, Adnan Kahveci , Çetin Emeç , Ashraf Bitlis, Necip Hablemitoğlu , the Recep Yazicioglu and now the boondocks many intellectuals have lost . This assassination is still not elucidated . Who was behind the assassination of an obscure question still remains .

31 January 1999 Turkey's famous pop singer, composer and songwriter who died Baris Manco . A lot of work left behind world-renowned artists . That will appeal to every generation of children's songs with artists founded the hearts of children . Death worldwide, especially Turkey and Japan also left a great sadness . Several years pass , despite his love for her grows and knows no generation has increased. Grand Master venue of heaven.

Until we meet again . Goodbye.

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